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Revision 111 as of 2016-05-19 17:52:59
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Editor: shoobe01
Revision 113 as of 2016-06-30 12:21:04
Size: 23248
Editor: shoobe01
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 * [[http://nearsoft.com/blog/people-adapt-talking-ux-design-with-steven-hoober-13/|People Adapt: Talking UX Design with Steven Hoober (1/3)]] Interview with me in three parts.
 * [[|你有没有想过为何要隐藏密码或显示密码]] Rehash of why it's best practice to show passwords, or avoid them entirely.


Steven writes occasional articles, writes a regular column for UX Matters, and edits books and other articles. If you like what I say at a conference, you might like some of these also.


Written in whole or in part, contributed to, or just edited.


Articles I Contributed to


  • Donttouchme my personal blog. Which over the years goes from nerdy general designer, to fairly personal (not embarassing, just stuff like travelogues) to UX nerd, to unused and back.

  • Little Springs Design. I wrote a huge percentage of the articles for my old agency. Some good stuff here, but some are hard to read as the company died and what's left of this blog is a text-only record. So, no images. A few were ported over to my personal one above, or dual-published on both so look around.

  • http://ericberkman.com/blog/

Extremely Not-Comprehensive List of Interviews, Referencing, or Talking About me

Reviews and Mentions of Designing Mobile Interfaces

I keep hoping for reviews, but haven't noticed a serious one outside of Amazon yet. Meanwhile, there are a few sites giving a lot of traffic. Both to be nice to them with in-kind links, and because the mentions mean you might like the articles, here they are:

Mentions, Reviews & Other Writing (last edited 2020-02-03 17:34:21 by shoobe01)