Might seem to overlap w/ Keyboards & keypads, above. But I say needed because it is sometimes (on dumbphones) accessible from the idle screen without explicit launching, so this is a special pattern... Need to say this in the pattern, also. Not always done well, so lets do it well - hard and soft pause for example, and how dialer is different from entering numbers into address book. Things like keep mute/spkr buttons when num pad is visible (soft keypads only. All those actions on a call are immediate. Allow access to 3-way, etc. but mute better be 1 button) - Display icons for off pad buttons, like a speaker button on the side. Display state immediately, and even if not on-screen controlled, -- Re-state stuff about localization, NANP keycaps, etc (or it won't dial!) -- CONSIDER note about search from idle as a counter-pattern (not anti- just different) when idle key input is assumed to be a search vs. a dial... Add specialized accesskeys (like 1 for voicemail, program 2 is the wife...)